The Results Are In

And OBAMA has won it!  You would think he was our new president the way people have reacted here!  We’re ecstatic.  Well done America.  You got what you deserve – a great new leader.  I thought McCain’s speech afterwards was very dignified and for the first time in the campaign I liked him and felt his sincerity.  (No offence intended to any Republicans reading here.)

And now for the REAL results –  I got the thaw call this morning.

FOUR of my babies are still with us!  I am over the moon!  Of course I felt very sad for the one that didn’t make it.  (I’m sure you all understand)  Even though they are mere cell clusters at this stage, they are my babies and that’s all there is to it.  I had a moment of reflection for my little embie that couldn’t, and then focused all my energies on the ones that did.  Please keep on sending the love their way…

I am so excited for tomorrow, and the two weeks following I am sure will feel like the night before Christmas – endless!

Blessings to all of you who have jumped right back on the bandwagon with me.  You are very special people.

9 thoughts on “The Results Are In

  1. JJ says:

    Thats GREAT news!! Oooo so excited for you! How many will you transfer?

  2. Artblog says:

    I’m here too, still reading, still hoping for you. Good luck!


  3. Beth says:

    So glad to see you posting…congrats on the news!

  4. Leah says:

    Great news on the fabulous foursome. I’ve got everything crossable crossed for you.

  5. samcy says:

    Way to go popsicles! I know how you feel about the one that couldn’t but it did it’s best. Sending super vibes to the others 🙂


  6. Tam says:

    You know that I am with you all the way sweet friend! How about we meet for lunch/breakfast next week to break the 2ww a little?

    So glad today went well, I really think this is the one sweetie….Go little ones, go!!

  7. charne says:

    congrats on those 4 embies… hoping all continues to go well

  8. Chanti says:

    Hey Mands,
    You granny told me on friday… I am so pleased and praying like crazy that this is it for you guys….
    Now that there are a very many people out here that have got all there bits crossed for these popsicles to stick around for a lifetime…
    To many to mention.
    Lots of love

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