My Husband the Hero

Good news! Went to the doc on Friday for my day 9 scan – and everything is right on track! Follicle was a healthy 15mm and the lining was a robust 7mm! So off I trotted with my Pregnyl (not Pregnol) in hand, a couple of hundred rands poorer, but happy as can be!
On saturday we went through to the dam for some camping – which became very stressful, as the Pregnyl had to be refrigerated at all times!!! We have this mini fridge which plugs into the car ciggy lighter, and then when we got there we plugged it into the caravan. I had to keep checking the temperature of the little fridge to make sure it wasn’t freezing my precious jab!!! As no-one in my family knows we are doing AI, we had to be super clandestine about the whole operation. Bright and early on Sunday morning we snuck into the caravan. My hubby prepped the jab (mixing the various powders and liquids together, flicking the needle like they do on TV, pushing up the fluid until a bit squirts out the top…) Then he took aim and FIRED at the circle that my gynae had drawn onto my butt on friday! (was very careful about not washing it off).
All I can say is that he has missed his calling as a doc, because that was possibly the least painful injection I’ve ever had. I see him through new eyes now. He was so calm and sure of himself – it was very sexy actually. MY HERO!