My Jibbitz

This morning I woke up with chronic lower back pain. It felt broken. I was running late for my appointment, and then sat in traffic for an hour and a half. And then my day got better.

I finally got there, and the doc had to be called out of consultation to scan me (sorry Dr. J!). Um, it appears that my ovaries had been doing the night shift. I now have 7-8 follies on the left and 8 -9 on the right. They vary in size from 13mm – 19mm. I am not going to question this, I am just going to feel as pleased as I felt this morning. We are still on target for retrieval on either Thursday or Friday. I have re-named my follies “My Jib.bitz“. If you have ever seen how a Jibbit is put onto a Croc (soft comfy plastic shoe), you will have some idea of how my ovaries feel right now. Hence the name.

The tiling is coming along beautifully – my father-in-law and mother-in-law have come up to give us a hand with it. I am really grateful that they are willing to come and help us out like this, it’s really not a fun job. It’s looking really fab, I will post pics as soon as it’s all done.

Just a note: Tam is about to embark on her FET, go on over and give her some love. Chanti should be close to Beta this week. She has been very quiet – I hope you’re holding up Chanti, I am thinking of you.

Thanks for handling my precis’ed rant so eloquently, those of you who commented. I feel a whole lot better today. You guys are schweet – like a lemon. (South African phrase for “very cool”)


8 thoughts on “My Jibbitz

  1. Fertilize Me says:


  2. Sarah says:

    good job, jibbitz! very excited for you!!

  3. Bea says:

    That sounds like a great stim! You’re really getting to the business end of the cycle now!


  4. Tam says:

    Things are looking good sweetie!!

    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s news, I’m thinking trigger!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO

    Thanks for the love, we gonna get those BFP’s!!

  5. Chris says:

    Good for you! You are doing a great job!

  6. JJ says:

    Ohh I love jibbitz=)

  7. Chanti says:

    Hey Mands.
    Very happy to hear that things are looking so good on your side. Go Jibbitz go.
    On my side this 2ww has been the worst ever, I have two more sleeps and then we test…
    will do a nice long post then.
    Good luck

  8. butterflyanla says:

    Good Luck with the Jibbitz!

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